Forget the camera, it’s you who takes the picture.

Well, I admit that I love all those cameras, lenses, gadgets, etc. and that they give you the means to take technically good photos.

However, you don’t need a high-end DSLR in order to take awesome pictures that move people. You can create photographic pieces of art with a Polaroid from the 70s, a Lomo plastic camera or even a crappy mobile phone camera.
Just look on platforms like Flickr for those pictures and you will find true masterpieces.
Of course, I would not choose a Polaroid or Lomo camera for taking underwater photos or 1:1 macro pictures, so yes, the camera actually DOES play a role if you have a certain specialization.

But that’s not my point.

Of what use is the best camera in the world if you actually don’t see there is something worth taking a picture of? Or if you don’t know how to express your ideas with it?
If a good photo means for someone nothing more than the reproduction of reality via an image that has sharpness, neutral colors, no noise, no vignetting and no distortion, then a decent DSLR in combination with a good lens indeed lets them make “better” photos (but are they really better?).
However, no camera sees that even mundane things can be breathtakingly beautiful, if you only recognize their beauty and know how to convey it. No camera anticipates what Cartier-Bresson called the “decisive moment”.

It’s the photographer who recognizes the subject, has the idea to show it in a certain way, chooses the viewing angle, compositon and settings accordingly – the camera does not do this.
The camera is a tool – not a complex brain with the ability to think and feel.

Ken Rockwell said “Photography is the power of observation, not the application of technology.”
And he is right. I would like to modify this a bit:

Photography is the art of seeing things and showing them in a certain way.

Let’s admit it guys, that would have been a horrible blog title, so I hope you’ll excuse the polemic but more catchy phrase I have chosen.
So this blog here is about the art of seeing. Many of my visitors will know me from my project blog 365 Days, 365 Photos. Welcome back!

And now grab your camera, go out there and see!

PS: But don’t forget to drop by now and then or visit my Portfolio.