Archive for May, 2012

June Bug

June Bug

Summer time, macro time – photo taken yesterday…



Wanted to post something new earlier, but I’ve been spending the last days sick in bed.

“You don’t need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that, and there is nothing wrong with you at all.”
― Alan Watts

Mountain View

Mountain View

Took this one through the window of an airplane.


Innocence 2

This still life was taken with a Polaroid SX-70 and expired TZ Artistic film.
Nothing beats the goode olde ‘Roids…


Film 4

Time for a still life. Took this one some time ago.
Makes me think of good old times – and to pick up my analog SLR again to take some BW photos with it.