Archive for September, 2012


Organism 1
I was at a friend’s birthday party and luckily I had my favorite lens with me, a nifty fifty macro.
Here are two shots…
As always, you can enlarge them by clicking on them.

And to quote Alan Watts:

“There’s an interdependence between flowers and bees — where there are no flowers there are no bees, and where there are no bees, there are no flowers. They are really one organism. And so in the same way, everything in nature depends on everything else.”

Organism 2

WTC 1995

WTC 1995

I took this picture of the World Trade Center in July (or August) 1995.
Seeing it now and remembering the experience is very strange, even a bit eerie, I must admit.
Don’t forget those who have lost their lives in the tragic event in 2001.

Of course I used a compact camera (Konika BM-201) with film (Kodacolor VR Plus 200) back then.
I decided to leave it as is, i.e. no post-processing of colors or anything like that.

I’ve been away from the blogosphere for quite some time, so to all my friends here – sorry I couldn’t stay in contact or visit your blogs during the last month.