Tag Archive: macro

Blog Anniversary – 10 Years

Mint Leaf Beetle 1

Time flies… Since my first post on this blog we have travelled 10 times around the sun.
A lot of things have happened since then – for everyone of us probably – but let’s not get sentimental.
I started the blog with a macro picture, so I thought it might be a neat idea to celebrate this occasion with two new macro pictures I took last week.

This pretty little fella here is a mint leaf beetle (chrysolina herbacea) who lives – let’s see who guesses it … yes, on mint leaves. 😉
And that’s exactly where I saw him doing what mint leaf beetles usually do (whatever this is – looks like some serious workout routine if you ask me).
This guy here had a size of around 7 to 8mm (0,3 in).

Mint Leaf Beetle 2

So yes, yes, this is probably one of those cases where the camera does matter, or I should say the lens you use on it.
But still, forget the camera, because apart from these special cases you should not care too much.
As Chase Jarvis said, the best camera is the one that’s with you. And in most cases it’s better to learn how to use this than investing loads of money in tons of gear. (says the guy who really digs gear, d’oh!).
Bottom line: don’t expect too much from a new camera, it might give you more creative freedom, but you won’t necessarily take better photos all of a sudden.

What matters to me most is: just enjoy taking photos, with whatever gear you have. That’s the message I want to get across.
For me photography is one the greatest passions you can have, it helps me discover beauty wherever I look, even in mundane things, and has a somewhat therapeutic effect on me.

Anyways, a big thanks to all of you who have been following me through all these years (be it here on WordPress, flickr or Instagram), and I look forward to the future with you guys!



PS: If you have not already done so, you can also check out my portfolio page.


Hello everyone!
I hope you are safe and sound in this crazy time.
I’d like to pretend that I had never been away from the blog, but it happened (again) – sorry!
Some of you followed me to Instagram where I had focused my attention to – thank you guys. I am still going to share pictures on that platform (mostly smartphone pics or spontaneous stuff), but now it’s time to get active on this part of the blogosphere again.

What can you expect? I am still not sure with regards to how frequently I will post, but when it comes to content there will be nature and landscape pictures, macros, impressions from my travels, still life images, a portrait here and there, some experimental things, and (of course) – cats, dogs and other animals. Shot with all kinds of gear, from full frame DSLRs to APS-C DSLMs to smartphones and everything in between. Anyway, this does not matter too much (think about the title of the blog).

Today I am kicking off with a macro that’s different from the frequent 1:1 pics from that genre that show every tiny detail. Instead I wanted to catch a somewhat dreamy atmosphere – hope you like it.
As always, click to enlarge. 😉





I like to make macro pictures that are not sterile, but more pleasing to the eye.
This one was taken again with my Sigma macro lens (105mm 2.8) on my Nikon DSLR.

No post-processing at all on this one. Click to enlarge for more details.

In The Garden

In The Garden

A few days ago I felt like taking a few macro shots, so I put on my Sigma 105mm 1:2.8 macro prime lens on one of my Nikon DSLRs and just went outside.
That was a good decision as I managed to get some decent pictures (click to enlarge; others to follow in the next weeks).
I really love this lens. In combination with a Nikon body you get an incredible sharpness (sometimes it can be brutal), no post processing required whatsoever in this regard.
When I use it for portraits (headshots) I really have to soften everything (you know what I mean).

In The Garden

BTW: Thanks to all new followers on various Social Media and of course thanks to all those who are still there after so many years.




Organism 1
I was at a friend’s birthday party and luckily I had my favorite lens with me, a nifty fifty macro.
Here are two shots…
As always, you can enlarge them by clicking on them.

And to quote Alan Watts:

“There’s an interdependence between flowers and bees — where there are no flowers there are no bees, and where there are no bees, there are no flowers. They are really one organism. And so in the same way, everything in nature depends on everything else.”

Organism 2